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23 January 2003

23 January 2003

The human rights situation in Guatemala is deteriorating, despite some positive Government initiatives to deal with violations, a United Nations expert has concluded.

In a report to the upcoming session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, Hina Jilani, Special Representative of the Secretary General on the situation of human rights defenders, expresses concern at the increase in cases of violations against human rights defenders in the past two years. Confirmed or alleged violations include killings, death threats, and acts of intimidation and harassment. These violations are rarely properly investigated, she writes.

Ms. Jilani notes that the principal targets of violations are human rights defenders investigating past abuses and those striving for the promotion of economic, social and cultural rights and the rights of indigenous peoples. Journalists and religious leaders have also been targeted, she adds.

The Special Representative says she is deeply disturbed by allegations concerning involvement of the National Civil Police and the military in attacks against human rights defenders. “The lack of control over military intelligence and the absence of a national civilian intelligence service make the task of investigating the alleged involvement of State agents in the violations against human rights defenders even more difficult”, she writes. “The involvement of clandestine structures and groups in attacks against defenders and allegations of their links with state security forces is a matter of serious concern that must be addressed by the Government on an urgent basis”. Ms. Jilani says she has taken note of recent proposals to set up an international investigatory commission in Guatemala to investigate such allegations.

The Special Representative says she hopes steps will be taken to prevent any resurgence of violence that could create a threatening environment for human rights defenders before elections later this year. Fears of a flare up, she adds, highlight the need to hasten the pace of reforms, and to strengthen peace and security. She recommends the implementation of the peace agreements that ended 36 years of internal war as a necessary condition for a safe environment for human rights defenders and, in general, for the promotion and protection of human rights in Guatemala.

Ms. Jilani prepared her report following a visit to Guatemala from 26 May to 1 June 2002.

English version of the document : E/CN.4/2003/104/Add.2

Spanish version: E/CN.4/2003/104/Add.2

French version: E/CN.4/2003/104/Add.2

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