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Press releases Special Procedures


19 October 2001

19 October 2001

The Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Human Rights Defenders, Hina Jilani, is undertaking a fact_finding mission to Colombia from 23 to 31 October 2001, at the invitation of the Government.

Ms. Jilani will assess the situation of human rights defenders, and will specifically examine the legal framework as well as alleged incidents in matters relating to the defense of human rights in the country.

The Special Representative has requested to meet with, among other Colombian officials, the President of the Republic of Colombia, the Vice-President and Minister of Defence, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Justice, the Minister of Interior as well as the Minister of Labour, the President of the High Council of Judicature (Consejo superior de la Judicatura), the President of the Constitutional Court, the Attorney General's office (Procuraduría), the General Prosecutor Office (Fiscalía), and the Ombudsman.

The Special Representative is scheduled to visit Bogotá and Medellín, as well as Barrancabermeja, where she will also meet with a wide range of non_governmental organizations and private individuals engaged in human rights work.

After the visit, Ms. Jilani will prepare a report for the Commission on Human Rights in which she will present her conclusions and recommendations.

Ms. Jilani, an advocate at the Supreme Court of Pakistan, was appointed Special Representative of the Secretary-General in August 2000. This will be the second country visit carried out in the framework of her mandate which was created by the Commission on Human Rights in April 2000.

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