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Press releases Special Procedures


26 February 2002

26 February 2002

The Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on the right to food, Prof. Jean Ziegler, will pay an official visit to Brazil from 1 to 21 March at the invitation of the Government.

During the fact-finding mission, the Special Rapporteur will investigate issues related to hunger and malnutrition and access to food, land and drinking water by vulnerable groups (children, women, indigenous peoples, Black Brazilians and the handicapped and the elderly). He will also review positive national experiences in addressing hunger and the right to food.

Prof. Ziegler will meet in Brasilia with the President of Brazil, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, as well as with members of the Federal Government and representatives of the Judiciary and the Parliament. He will also meet representatives of United Nations agencies based in Brazil and members of the country's civil society and non-governmental organizations working in the field of human rights. Among the latter are the Justice and Peace Commission, FIAN-Brazil, the Platform on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Pastoral Commission on Land, the Brazilian Institute of Economic and Social Analysis, the Landless Agricultural Workers Movement (MST), and the Bishop's Conference of Brazil.

In addition, the Special Rapporteur is scheduled to meet state authorities and civil society representatives in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Pernambuco, Maranhão and Bahia, including during visits to 'asentamentos', 'acampamentos', detention centres and favelas.

The Commission on Human Rights decided during its session in the year 2000 to appoint for three years a special rapporteur on the right to food (resolution 2000/10). Prof. Ziegler was appointed and submitted his first report to the Commission in April 2001 (doc. E/CN.4/2001/53). At the request of the Commission (resolution 2001/25), the Special Rapporteur submitted a preliminary report to the General Assembly (doc. A/56/210) and will submit a final report to the Commission in April 2002 (doc. E/CN.4/2002/58 and Add.1).

The Special Rapporteur's mandate includes the following activities:

- Seeking, receiving and responding to information on all aspects of the realization of the right to food, including the urgent necessity of eradicating hunger;

- Establishing cooperation with Governments, intergovernmental organizations (in particular FAO) and non-governmental organizations, on the promotion and effective implementation of the right to food, and to make appropriate recommendations on the realizations thereof, taking into consideration the work already done in this field throughout the United Nations system; and

- Identifying emerging issues related to the right to food worldwide.

For further information please contact Carlos Villan Duran, Human Rights Officer, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, tel. (41 22) 917 93 00, e.mail: Web site:

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