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Press releases Special Procedures


13 August 1999

13 August 1999

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers, Dato' Param Cumaraswamy, will visit Guatemala from 16 to 26 August at the invitation of the country's Government.

Mr. Cumaraswamy, appointed Special Rapporteur by the Commission on Human Rights in 1994, says he intends to use this visit to study the situation of the independence of the judiciary and generally the administration of justice in Guatemala. He has received complaints of impunity for human rights violations owing allegedly to the failure of the authorities to investigate efficiently such violations and to prosecute those accused of committing them. The Special Rapporteur has also received numerous reports concerning threats, intimidation and harassment of lawyers, judges and prosecutors.

During the mission, which will also see him examine access to justice for the indigenous population, women and children, the Special Rapporteur will meet with governmental and non-governmental officials, as well as with individuals, in order to obtain first-hand testimony. Mr. Cumaraswamy will present his report on the mission to the fifty-sixth session of the Commission on Human Rights next Spring.

The Special Rapporteur has previously visited Peru, Colombia, Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom, and Belgium. He has also intervened in more than 60 countries after having received complaints of attacks on the independence of judges and lawyers.