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Special Rapporteur appeals to the fighting parties in Burundi to respect the rights of the civilian population

09 July 2003

9 July 2003

Marie-Thérèse Keita Bocoum, the Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on the situation of human rights in Burundi, has appealed to the fighting parties in Burundi to respect the rights of the civilian population, in particular the rights to life, security and physical integrity. The appeal comes after an upsurge in the fighting and the deterioration of the security situation in Burundi, especially the new confrontations which started on 7 July in the rural province of Bujumbura and in the capital.

The scale of the violations of human rights as a result of the conflict was so grave that it was imperative and urgent for the fighting to halt, Mrs. Keita Bocoum said. She called on the belligerents to consider the suffering of the population and urged them to end the fighting immediately and to negotiate a peaceful settlement to the conflict.

The Special Rapporteur called on the international community to continue all efforts to get the armed groups and the government to start negotiations with the view of reaching a durable cease-fire which highlighted the respect of human rights.

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