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Press releases


29 July 2005

Armed elements in the Sudanese region of Darfur, including law
enforcement officers and the military, continue to perpetrate rape and
sexual violence, with authorities seemingly unable or unwilling to hold
them accountable, a new United Nations report concludes.

The report, entitled, “Access to Justice for Victims of Sexual
Violence”, was prepared at the initiative of the High Commissioner for
Human Rights. It is an assessment of how the Government of Sudan has lived
up to commitments undertaken a year ago in a joint communiqué with
Secretary-General Kofi Annan to investigate and punish sexual violence in
Darfur. The report looks at patterns of rape in Darfur and lists specific
cases. It also details different obstacles to justice as well as instances
of arrest, intimidation and harassment of human rights defenders and
medical providers.

According to the report’s drafters, the Government of Sudan is
starting to take some steps to address the issue. They point to the
formation of a State Committee on Gender Based Violence for South Darfur
and to the provision of technical assistance to improve the investigative
capacity of law enforcement agencies.

But they also recall that to date most perpetrators of rape and
sexual violence have not been brought to justice, adding that it remains to
be seen whether a recently established Special Criminal Court for the
Events in Darfur will effectively address these crimes.

The report says major obstacles continue to prevent most victims from
seeking accountability. "Many wome do not report incidents out of fear of
reprisals and are discouraged from reporting given the lack of redress for
sexual violence", monitors write. "Some police stations refuse to register
and investigate complaints of sexual violence. When cases are registered,
police officials often do not vigorously investigate the claims".

The monitors also report that the Sudanese authorities generally deny
the allegations of rape and sexual violence and intimidate the victims and
witnesses into withdrawing their charges. Local and international
humanitarian organizations have faced similar intimidation, they recall.

In order to bring sexual violence to an end, the Government of Sudan
needs to fully acknowledge the scope of the problem and take concrete
action to end the climate of impunity in Darfur, the report states. “Only
timely and credible investigations and prosecutions of sexual violence will
make it clear to the perpetrators of sexual violence, who include members
of the law enforcement, security forces and pro-government militia, that
sexual violence will no longer be tolerated”.