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Press releases


07 November 2001

7 November 2001

Following is the text of today’s press statement on Liberia, delivered by M. Patricia Durrant (Jamaica), President of the Security Council:

The members of the Security Council held informal consultations on 7 November 2001 pursuant to paragraph 23 of resolution 1343 (2001), by which the Council decided that it would review the measures established against Liberia not more than 60 days after the adoption of the resolution, and every six months thereafter.

The members considered the report of the Committee pursuant to paragraph 14 (b) of resolution 1343 (2001), the report of the Panel of Experts on Liberia (S/2001/1015), the reports of the Secretary-General pursuant to paragraphs 13 (a) (S/2001/939, the OCHA report) and (b) S/S/2001/965, on air traffic control and surveillance) and the report of the Secretary-General pursuant to paragraph 12 (S/2001/1025, on Liberia’s compliance with the sanctions regime).

Members of the Council had full and detailed discussions centring on whether the sanctions were having the desired effect; prospects for modifications in the present sanctions regime; the possibility of additional sanctions; and how to ensure that the present sanctions regime remains targeted.

Council members agreed that the Security Council must remain engaged with Liberia and its people. They also encouraged the positive developments in the region.

Council members decided to request the Committee established under resolution 1343 to examine the recommendations of the Panel of Experts on Liberia, and to submit a report on these recommendations to the Council for consideration as soon as possible.

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* Reissued for technical reasons.