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Press releases


26 September 2001

26 September 2001

Following is the text of today’s statement on Cyprus by the President of the Security Council, Jean-David Levitte (France):

Council members heard a briefing from Alvaro de Soto, the Secretary-General’s Special Adviser on Cyprus, today. They commended the Secretary-General and his Special Adviser for their efforts and the initiatives they have taken since November 1999 to move the process forward, including an invitation to the leaders to resume the search for a comprehensive settlement in New York this month.

Council members expressed disappointment at the unjustified decision by the Turkish side to decline that invitation. Progress can only be made at the negotiating table.

Council members encourage the Secretary-General and his Special Adviser to continue their efforts using the guidelines in Security Council resolution 1250, namely that there should be no preconditions; that all issues are on the table; that both sides should make a commitment in good faith to negotiate until a settlement is reached; and that there should be a full consideration of relevant United Nations resolutions and treaties.

Council members gave full support to the Secretary-General’s efforts to achieve a comprehensive settlement to the Cyprus problem. They urge all concerned to cooperate with the Secretary-General and his Special Adviser and to show confidence in their judgement as to the best way to move forward.

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