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Press releases Special Procedures


15 June 2001

Preparatory Committee for the
Special Session of the General Assembly
on the Children’s World Assembly
15 June 2001
9th Meeting (PM)*

Also Recommends That Two National Child Delegates
Present Children's Forum Outcome to Session Plenary

In a short meeting this afternoon, the Preparatory Committee for the special session of the General Assembly for follow-up to the 1990 World Summit on Children approved, without a vote, two texts regarding organizational arrangements for the event.

By the draft resolution agreed upon in informal consultations, the General Assembly would decide that the session, which is to take place on 19-21 September, would include three interactive round tables on the overarching theme "Renewal of Commitment and Future Action for Children in the Next Decade".

Approving a draft decision on the presentation of the outcome of the Children's Forum to the special session, the Preparatory Committee recommended to the Assembly to allow at least two national child delegates to present the outcome of that event to the plenary of the special session. Those delegates would be identified by the Forum, in consultation with the Assembly President and Member States.

The representative of Pakistan said that child delegates to the round tables should be selected, taking into account the principles of gender equity and fair geographical distribution. He also proposed that among the six child delegates, there should be one child from each of the five geographical groups and one disabled child.

Regarding a report in a non-governmental organization newspaper that Pakistan was not in favour of child participation, he added that it was not true. His country’s delegation supported such participation and would include two adolescents.

The representative of the United States said that the consultations envisioned in the draft on round tables should take place as soon as possible, preferably at least one month ahead of the beginning of the special session.

Responding to a question from the representative of Senegal, Vice-Chairman of the Committee, Hans Schummacher (Germany) explained the use of the phrase “at least” in the draft decision on child representatives. By putting in the words "at least", an option was left open to choose a third child, in consultation with Member States, in addition to the two agreed upon.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the Preparatory Committee's Chairperson, Patricia Durrant (Jamaica) thanked the delegations for their contributions and flexibility. Many paragraphs of the outcome document had been agreed upon, and during the evening, efforts would continue to reach agreement on as many additional paragraphs as possible.

Short statements were also made this afternoon by the representatives of Viet Nam, Norway, Sweden (on behalf of the European Union), the Sudan, Chile, Canada, Nigeria and Republic of Korea.

The Committee will continue its work later today.


* The 7th and 8th meetings were held in informal consultations.

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