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Press releases Special Procedures


10 December 2007


Geneva, 7 December 2007

The Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in Somalia, Ghanim Alnajjar, issued the following statement today:

“I am very concerned about recent reports that “Somaliland” authorities have ordered twenty-four journalists to leave “Somaliland” within the next few days.”

The journalists reportedly fled Mogadishu earlier this year, in response to threats and intimidation and sought refuge in a safe house in Hargeisa with the approval of the authorities. Some of the journalists have reportedly continued to exercise their freedom of expression while in Hargeisa.

“The media must be allowed to perform its duties without apprehension and I call upon the “Somaliland” authorities to reconsider their decision to order the expulsion of the journalists,” Mr. Alnajjar said.

The year 2007 has been a very dangerous and difficult one for Somali journalists and human rights defenders, especially in Mogadishu. Since January, eight media professionals have been killed and dozens more threatened into silence for their work, while many have fled in fear. Several media organisations have also been closed by authorities or have been intimidated into restricting their own reporting on current events.

Mr. Alnajjar continued that “Threats to journalists and media outlets constitute serious violations of Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I condemn such acts and call for investigations into all threats, attacks and killings against the media and the prompt re-opening of the closed media organisations. I also take this opportunity to remind all Somali authorities of their obligation to respect the right to freedom of opinion and expression, and to ensure the safety and security of all, including journalists and other media professionals, human rights defenders and humanitarian workers.”