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Press releases Human Rights Council


10 May 2006

10 May 2006

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour today welcomed the election of the members of the new Human Rights Council, calling it a new beginning for international efforts to protect and promote fundamental freedoms.

“The signs from the election of the 47 members of the Council yesterday are very encouraging for the future of this new body”, the High Commissioner said. “The polls were not 'business as usual': there were genuinely contested candidacies and all those elected made specific pledges and commitments expressing their concrete engagement to promote and protect human rights”.

“There is good reason to believe we are putting aside some of the difficulties we saw with the Commission on Human Rights”, she continued.

The High Commissioner called on the membership of the Council to act quickly ahead of their first meeting, set to start on 19 June.

“Much remains to be settled in terms of organisation in the five weeks remaining before the Council meets”, she said. “For the Council to make the most of its first meeting, members must meet and agree promptly on some basic governance and programmatic arrangements”.

The High Commissioner urged members to continue to work in the spirit shown in the election process and be inclusive, cooperative and transparent. “The Council belongs to the international community, including civil society. I call on the current membership to work in the global interest in building a strong, effective human rights body”, she said.