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Press releases Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights


28 April 2007

Astana, 28 April 2007

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour will visit the Republic of Kazakhstan from 30 April - 2 May as a part of her first visit to Central Asia.

During her visit, the High Commissioner will meet with the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Mr. Karim Massimov, other high-level Government officials, representatives of regional and international governmental organizations, civil society groups and locally based diplomatic corps.

The visit will provide an opportunity to exchange views on human rights related issues with the Government of Kazakhstan and to engage in discussions about future cooperation and continued dialogue on issues of mutual concern in the region and the country in the area of human rights.

The High Commissioner started her Central Asia tour in Kyrgyzstan (24-25 April), followed by Tajikistan (25-29 April). She will end her tour in Turkmenistan.