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Press releases Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights


19 May 2006

19 May 2006

Phnom Penh, 19 May 2006 -- An independent, professional judiciary is of “capital importance” for the consolidation of democracy in Cambodia, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour said today.

Speaking at the end of her first visit to the Southeast Asian country, the High Commissioner said she had been told repeatedly of positive developments in the country since the UN-organized polls of 1993, including stability, economic growth and regular elections. She pointed out, however, that the country still had difficulties to overcome, as the findings of successive UN human rights experts had shown.

“Evidently, no country has a perfect human rights record”, the High Commissioner said. “I believe the most promising sign of eventual progress is the capacity to acknowledge shortcomings”.

Ms. Arbour added that the visit had allowed her to focus on the strengthening of the judicial branch of governance, an issue she considered of capital importance for the consolidation of democracy under the rule of law. “An independent, professional judiciary with recognized integrity would not only be essential in protecting fundamental rights and freedoms but also facilitate the resolution of a number of the difficulties evident in Cambodia, including impunity, conflicts over land and corruption”, she said.

The High Commissioner also highlighted the ability of civil society actors to work freely and safely as another key indicator of a functioning democracy.

Ms. Arbour said she left Cambodia reassured by the expressed commitment of the Government to strengthen cooperation in human rights and determined to ensure that “our work yields tangible benefits for the protection of human rights in Cambodia”.

During the visit the High Commissioner was granted an audience with King Norodom Sihamoni and met with Prime Minister Hun Sen and senior members of his Government. She also held talks with representatives of human rights non-governmental organizations, the United Nations country team, members of the diplomatic community and officials of the Extraordinary Chambers for the Khmer Rouge trials.

Link: Statement by the High Commissioner