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06 December 2000

6 December 2000

Declaration To Be Presented to General Assembly President
at 8 December Event

The Department of Public Information (DPI), in association with a coalition of non-governmental organizations, will host the third annual Student Conference on Human Rights at United Nations Headquarters on Friday, 8 December. Some 400 students from grades 5 through 12 from the United States, Canada and Mexico will take part.

The event is being co-sponsored with these organizations: Carol Baur Foundation (Mexico); Global Education Motivators (USA); Interconnections 21–ASPnet/USA, LePage Educational Consultants (Canada); International Bridges/New York City Board of Education, and the United Nations Association of the United States.

With a general emphasis on defining the priorities for the new millennium, the conference is expected to help the participants better understand the role of the United Nations in promoting human rights and creating a global culture of peace.

Among those addressing the conference will be Harri Holkeri (Finland), President of the current session of the General Assembly; Under-Secretary General Olara Otunnu, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, and Giandomenico Picco, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the International Year of Dialogue among Civilizations (Year 2001). Kensaku Hogen, Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information, will open the conference at 10 a.m. in Conference Room 1.

There will be statements from four youth activists: Samil Chagpar (Canada), Lilia Vazquez (Mexico), Collen Pooe (South Africa) and Himanshu Dhillon (India). Their theme will be “what kids can do for kids” in making a difference, locally and internationally.

During the day-long conference, students will report on what they have done during the past year to help promote respect for human rights in their schools and communities. They will also highlight the issues of their concern and draft a student declaration for presentation to the Assembly President. The declaration will serve as a plan of action for students who will register for participation in next year’s conference.

The first student conference of this kind was held in 1998. It is designed as a year-long learning activity. To be eligible for participation, each school is required to pre-register and to carry out specific classroom activities. Each must hold a school conference, to draw up the activity report (which the school submits) and to choose delegates to attend the conference at the United Nations.

NOTE: For further information, please contact Hasan Ferdous at (212) 963-6555. For media accreditation, please contact Sonia Lecca at (212) 963-6934.

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