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25 November 1999


Press Release

25 November 1999

The members of the International Inquiry Commission begin their visit to East Timor today.

The Commission of Inquiry will look into possible violations of human rights and acts, which may constitute breaches of international humanitarian law committed in East Timor since January 1999.

Mrs. Sonia Picado of Costa Rica is the Chairperson. The other members are: Ms. Judith Sefi Attah of Nigeria, Justice A.M. Ahmadi of India, Justice Mari Kapi of Papua New Guinea and Ms. Sabine Leutheusser – Schnarrenberger of Germany.

The Commission would welcome submission of reports, eye – witness accounts and other information from the general public, representatives of NGOs, international agencies and media persons. The identity of those submitting information would be kept confidential upon request.

The Commission members will be in East Timor till 4 December 1999. The Commission would be visiting places outside Dili to receive information from witnesses, victims and representatives of NGOs and others. The Commission, amongst others, plans to visit Los Palos, Maliana, Suai and Manatuto.

In Dili, the Commission would be meeting at the UN Office situated at the Governor’s Office.

Those who are interested in submitting information can contact the Secretariat situated on the 1st floor at the Governor‘s office.

The United Nations Commission on Human Rights, meeting in special session on 27 September 1999, called on the secretary-general to establish an international commission of inquiry, to gather and compile systematically information on possible violations. (Commission resolution 1999/S-4/1). The Inquiry Commission came into existence on the 15 November 1999 after the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) endorsed the Commission resolution.

The panel is to provide the Secretary-General with its conclusion by 31 December 1999 with a view to enabling him to make recommendations on future actions and make the report of the international commission of inquiry available to the Security Council, the General Assembly and the Commission