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Press releases Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

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05 December 2000

5 December 2000

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson and the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), José Antonio Ocampo, agreed today to step up efforts to make human rights part of ECLAC's programmes in the region.

In a "memorandum of intent" signed in Santiago, Chile, this morning by Mrs. Robinson and Mr. Ocampo, the Office of the High Commissioner (OHCHR) and ECLAC agreed to collaborate in the dissemination of information and the organization of human rights training activities in the Latin American and Caribbean region. They will also cooperate in conducting research and studies in the area of sustainable human development with a view, among other things, to increase support for the thematic mechanisms of the Commission on Human Rights that have economic and social mandates.

According to the agreement, OHCHR and ECLAC will also work together to elaborate and carry out the OHCHR's regional strategy for technical cooperation for Latin America and the Caribbean. In this context, ECLAC will collaborate in the preparation and organization of a regional workshop on strategies to promote economic, social and cultural rights next year.

Following the signing, Mrs. Robinson said the agreement was welcome evidence of the increasing recognition that all human rights -- economic, political, social, civil and cultural -- are indivisible.

"The accord is particularly significant in light of the recent appointment by the Commission on Human Rights of experts on the right to food, housing and education, and the continuing mainstreaming of a gender perspective in human rights work", said the High Commissioner.

"I do believe that, in its own way, this agreement brings the region closer to achieving the goal we have set for ourselves: all human rights for all", she concluded.

For his part, Mr. Ocampo pointed out that the agreement is a logical further step in the progressive incorporation of the human rights dimension in ECLAC's activities.

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