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Press releases Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

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21 March 2000

21 March 2000

On the eve of the International Day on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson, and the Director-General of Foreign Affairs of South Africa, Sipho Pityana, met in Geneva on 20 March 2000 to discuss forthcoming arrangements for the World Conference against Racism.

The International Day is commemorated in South Africa as Human Rights Day to mark the killing 40 years ago of over 60 demonstrators in Sharpeville. The High Commissioner and the Director-General agreed on the need for the World Conference against Racism to make measurable progress that could be reviewed at regular intervals.

The Director-General reiterated what a great honour it was for South Africa to host the World Conference. He briefed the High Commissioner on steps taken by the Cabinet of South Africa to establish an inter-ministerial committee, chaired by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and a national preparatory committee, chaired by the Director-General of Foreign Affairs and comprising government departments, civil society and national institutions. These processes and the forthcoming National Conference on Racism (30 August to 2 September 2000) would inform the South African Government's position.

The High Commissioner praised South Africa's decision to host the World Conference as a further inspiring sign that the country was turning its painful past into a concrete contribution for tolerance and understanding within and among nations. She also informed the Director-General of steps taken by her Office in preparing for the World Conference, including the appointment of a secretariat, the launch of a public awareness campaign and the organization of the first Preparatory Conference to be held in May in Geneva and of regional conferences.

The High Commissioner and the Director-General also discussed logistical arrangements for the World Conference and agreed that the Office of the High Commissioner would dispatch an exploratory mission to South Africa as soon as possible. The mission would look at a wide range of logistical issues and discuss with the South African authorities aspects relating to the funding of the World Conference.

The High Commissioner and the Director-General underlined the need for the international community to support the World Conference with adequate funding.

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