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05 February 2001

5 February 2001

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Afghanistan, Kamal Hossain, has appealed to Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar and to the President of the Islamic State of Afghanistan, Burhanuddin Rabbani, to refrain from resumption of hostilities and urged that immediate investigations be undertaken to identify those responsible for grave violations of human rights and international humanitarian law.

On 29 January 2001 the UN Special Rapporteur addressed identically worded letters to both sides: “I am extremely concerned about the reports that are now coming out of Yakawlang District in Hazarajat. I have received numerous accounts of civilians being deliberately attacked and killed and subjected to gross and systematic violations of their human rights.”

It is reported that on 28 and 29 December, 2000, United Front Hezb-e-Wahdat forces captured Yakawlang which was subsequently recaptured by Taliban forces in the first week of January. In the course of this offensive, it is reported that both conflicting parties showed utter disregard for the well-being of the civilian population.

“The civilian population, I am informed from independent and reliable sources, did not participate in the armed hostilities and remained in their villages. However, it appears that the Taliban forces engaged in widespread summary executions and arbitrarily detained hundreds of civilians who are still unaccounted for. A United Nations staff member is still missing and it is reported that local humanitarian personnel are among those killed. It is also reported that United Front forces occupied a hospital and Leprosy Centre that was subsequently attacked by Taliban troops.

“I would earnestly appeal to both sides to refrain from resumption of armed conflict. I would also urge that immediate investigations be undertaken to identify those responsible for grave violations of human rights and international humanitarian law. Such violations give rise to international criminal responsibility,” the Special Rapporteur said.

“I would like to visit the area and gather relevant information so that facts can be determined and appropriate action taken. In the meantime, I would appreciate receiving any information that the Taliban authorities could provide about the above-reported occurrences and measures taken to ensure that the right to life and the right not to be subjected to summary execution and arbitrary detention are protected," he added.

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