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02 November 2000

Human Rights Committee
70th session
2 November 2000

The Human Rights Committee this afternoon adopted the text of its preliminary contribution to the Preparatory Committee of the forthcoming World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance which will be held in 2001 in South Africa.

In the document, the Committee shared the concern of the international community that racism continued to be a scourge on humanity and to jeopardize peace and security in the world. It stated that as a contribution to the World Conference, the Committee would undertake the preparation of a General Comment dealing with the application of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights to racial discrimination.

As a preliminary step, the Committee said it had prepared a compilation of materials reflecting some of its past decisions relating to racism and connected issues. The compilation included extracts of concluding observations on racist issues that were presented to States parties after considering their reports. It also included summaries of the Committee's views in two communications submitted under the Optional Protocol to the Covenant. From among its General Comments, it included the ones it had addressed on questions relating to racism.

The Committee will meet at 10 a.m. on Friday, 3 November to conclude its seventieth session and issue its final observations and conclusions on the reports of Trinidad and Tobago, Denmark, Peru, Argentina and Gabon which it considered this session.

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