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04 May 2000

22nd Session
4 May 2000

The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights this afternoon rescheduled its review of the second periodic report of Jordan to its extraordinary session in August.

Shehab Madi, Permanent Representative of Jordan to the United Nations Office at Geneva, this morning asked the Committee experts to postpone their consideration of the report. A delegation from Jordan had been scheduled to present the report today and tomorrow.

The Committee approved the postponement, and decided to add Jordan to the list of States parties that will present reports at a newly-approved extraordinary session from 14 August to 1 September 2000.

The Committee also announced that Portugal would be asked to present its third periodic report at the Committee's session in November and December. The Government of Portugal was initially scheduled to present its report on Monday, but also requested a postponement from the Committee.

Among the 143 States parties to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Jordan and Portugal must submit periodic reports to the Committee illustrating their efforts to implement the provisions of the Covenant.

The Committee also discussed a draft general comment concerning the right to health, which will be the topic of a day-long debate on Monday, 8 May.

When the Committee reconvenes on Friday, 5 May at 10 a.m., it will consider the situation of economic, social and cultural rights in the Republic of the Congo.

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