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09 February 2001

9 February 2001

A United Nations commission of inquiry will go to the occupied Palestinian territories from 10 to 18 February to investigate human rights violations and breaches of international humanitarian law committed since the resumption of violent confrontations in the area on 28 September 2000.

The inquiry panel, made up of three independent international experts, was established on 19 October 2000 during a special session the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. The Commission mandated the panel to gather and compile information on abuses committed "by the Israeli occupying power in the occupied Palestinian territories" (see Commission resolution S-5/1).

The inquiry commission is scheduled to begin its field work in Gaza before going to Jerusalem, Ramallah, Hebron, Bethlehem and Beit Jala. It is expected to submit a report on its work to the upcoming session of the Commission on Human Rights, which begins on 19 March. The members of the panel are Prof. John Dugard of South Africa; Prof. Richard Falk of the United States, and Dr. Kamal Hossein of Bangladesh.

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