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08 December 2000

8 December 2000

The following statement was issued today by the Office of the Spokesman for Secretary-General Kofi Annan:

The Secretary-General today informed the Security Council of his intention to name Hans Haekkerup, the current Defence Minister of Denmark, as his new Special Representative in Kosovo.

Mr. Haekkerup will replace Bernard Kouchner, who has headed the United Nations Mission in Kosovo since July 1999. Dr. Kouchner had indicated to the Secretary-General his wish to relinquish his responsibilities in Kosovo following the successful completion of the recent elections. The changeover is expected to take place in January.

The Secretary-General would like to take this occasion to pay tribute to Dr. Kouchner for the inspirational leadership and dynamism with which he led this extremely difficult and challenging mission, and for the remarkable success he has achieved there in its first year and a half.

He is also very pleased to have recruited a man of Hans Haekkerup's stature and ability to take over from Dr. Kouchner the complex tasks of the United Nations Mission in Kosovo.

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