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31 October 2000

Human Rights Committee
70th session
31 October 2000

The Human Rights Committee this afternoon choose a list of countries whose reports will be considered during its spring and summer 2001 sessions.

Announcing the decision of the Bureau, Committee Chairperson Cecilia Medina Quiroga said that Croatia, the Dominican Republic, Syria, Venezuela, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Uzbekistan will appear before the Committee in its March 2001 session to present their periodic reports through their respective Government delegations. The report of Guatemala will be in reserve in the event that a State declines to come to the Committee.

The reports of the Czech Republic, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the Netherlands and Monaco will be examined during the Committee's July 2001 session. If the report of Guatemala is not taken up in March, it will be considered in July.

Also this afternoon, the Committee briefly discussed the possibility of publishing a book on human rights on the occasion of the panel's twenty-fifth anniversary in 2002.

The Committee continued its meeting in private to consider its draft concluding observations on the report of Trinidad and Tobago, which it considered earlier this session.

The Committee will meet in private all day on Wednesday, 1 November. It resumes its public meeting at 10 a.m. on Thursday, 2 November to adopt the list of issues that it will discuss with the States parties whose reports will be reviewed next March.

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