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19 December 2001

19 December 2001

Following is the text of this morning’s press statement on the Democratic Republic of the Congo by the President of the Security Council, Moctar Ougne (Mali):

The Council welcomes the recent progress made in Abuja in order to pave the way for the Inter-Congolese Dialogue and encourages the Government, the Ralliement Congolais pour la Démocratie (RCD)/Goma and the Mouvement de Libération du Congo (MLC) to continue their high-level negotiations.

The Council is concerned by troop movements in the east, especially in view of the fact that the Inter-Congolese Dialogue is about to resume in South Africa.

The Council calls on all parties to refrain from any military action, in particular in the east of the country, and stresses that the issue of Moliro must be settled peacefully within the framework of the Joint Military Commission.

The Council calls on all parties, in particular the RCD and Rwanda, to cooperate with the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC) to allow the launching of Phase III of its deployment.

The Council reminds the RCD that it has the obligation to demilitarize Kisangani without conditions, and to allow the full reopening of the river. It calls on Rwanda to bring its influence to bear on RCD in this regard.

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