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Press releases Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

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06 October 2000

6 October 2000

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson, today welcomed recent developments in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

"I am delighted with the recent turn of events in Yugoslavia. The people of Yugoslavia have, over recent days, bravely demonstrated their commitment to human rights and democracy. I particularly welcome the essentially non-violent manner in which this political transition has been achieved and I note in this regard the role played by the security forces," the High Commissioner said.

"The task of the new government will be to rebuild a new society based upon adherence to fundamental standards of human rights, democracy, and rule of law. This also involves accountability for those responsible for human rights violations," Mrs. Robinson continued. "I stand ready, including through my office in Belgrade, to work with the new government as early as possible, to help in the area of human rights capacity building within the new administration."

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