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17 August 2000

23rd session
17 August 2000

The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights this morning was briefed by Robert Husbands, the Officer-in-Charge of the upcoming World Conference against Racism which will be held in South Africa in 2001

Mr. Husbands explained that it would be the first global summit on racism since 1983, and that the Committee's work would be reflected in the content of the meeting. The delegates at the Conference, he said, would seriously look at the work of the Committee's experts.

Mary Robinson, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, had suggested that some experts represent the Committee at the regional preparatory conferences and participate in the drafting of the World Conference's Programme of Action, Mr. Husbands said.

Following his presentation, the Committee met in private to discuss its observations and recommendations on the report of Jordan, which was considered earlier this week.

Conclusions and recommendations on all reports considered by the Committee at this session will be drafted near the end of the three-week session, which concludes on 1 September.

Committee experts also discussed, privately, how to proceed with the third periodic report of Mongolia, which will be discussed this afternoon in absence of a Government delegation.

In acceding to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, States agree to submit periodic reports to the Committee describing how they give effect to the provisions of the treaty. The panel evaluates the reports and makes observations and recommendations on improving the promotion and protection of the rights enshrined in the Covenant.

When the Committee resumes its meeting at 3 p.m., it will begin its consideration of the third periodic report of Mongolia.

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