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10 March 2000

10 March 2000

The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination this afternoon decided to set up an open-ended Working Group to discuss its draft statement on the ethnic dimension to some contemporary conflicts which was discussed this morning. The Working Group was expected to redraft the statement reflecting the views expressed by Committee members during the discussion.

Committee Chairman Michael E. Sherifis announced that Greece had submitted a report to the Committee on how it was implementing the provisions of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. The Committee had scheduled, on 15 March, a review of the implementation of the Convention in Greece which had previously submitted reports but from which periodic reports were seriously overdue. The Committee was expected to set a date to consider Greece's report.

The Committee also briefly discussed a draft proposal for a general recommendation on gender related dimensions of racial discrimination, introduced by of its experts, Gay McDougall.

The proposal suggested that some forms of racial discrimination had a unique impact on women and that the Committee would endeavour in its work to consider any gender factors which might be interlinked with racial discrimination. It also says that certain forms of racial discrimination might be directed towards women specifically because of their gender, such as sexual violence committed against women members of particular racial or ethnic groups during armed conflict.

The Working Group, which was designed to draft a proposition concerning the situation of the Roma population, told the Committee that it had been alarmed by reports of the persecution of Roma, particularly in Europe, which violated the Convention. The Working Group recommended that one or two days in the programme of the Committee be allocated for a thematic discussion of racial discrimination against Roma, with the view to considering possible further action.

The Working Group also suggested that the Committee should request from States parties information about the Roma populations in their countries, and policies for eliminating discrimination against them.

Before adjourning its afternoon meeting, the Committee met privately to consider communications received from individuals claiming to be victims of a violation by the State party of any of the rights set forth in the Convention. Only States parties that recognized the competence of the Committee to receive communications are concerned by that procedure.

When the Committee reconvenes at 10 a.m. on Monday, 13 March, it will continue its consideration of communications in a private meeting, before taking up the report of Spain at 3 p.m.

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