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12 February 2001

12 February 2001

The Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, Dato' Param Cumaraswamy, today expressed his further concern over the continuing threats to the independence of the judiciary in Zimbabwe.

The Special Rapporteur has been informed that two more judges of the Supreme Court, namely Justices McNally and Ibrahim, were approached by the Minister of Justice and requested to submit letters seeking early retirement. This came after the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Anthony Gubbay, was forced to retire late last week.

'I am extremely concerned about these developments which indicate that the rule of law is further deteriorating in Zimbabwe,' Mr. Cumaraswamy said. 'The Government must comply with its obligations under international standards and stop harassing and pressuring members of the judiciary. The allegation that the Government has called upon judges to seek early retirement will be seen as a clear violation of Principle 2 of the United Nations Basic Principles of the Independence of the Judiciary.'

The Special Rapporteur is currently liaising with the Government through the Permanent Mission of Zimbabwe to the United Nations Office at Geneva to conduct an urgent mission, possibly in March, in order to meet with the Minister of Justice and other members of the Government, the judges of the Supreme Court and representatives of the legal profession.

The Special Rapporteur concluded by saying 'It is most unfortunate that such a well respected and independent judiciary appears to be under threat from the executive branch of Government.'

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