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Press releases Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights


21 October 2005

21 October 2005

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour issued the following statement today on the occasion of African Human Rights Day:

African Human Rights Day, October 21, is an occasion for us all to recommit ourselves to the cause of fundamental freedoms in the continent and join forces to tackle the problems – from the effects of armed conflict and political repression to deprivation and poverty -- blighting the lives of millions of men, women and children in Africa.

The African Charter on Human and Peoples' rights, adopted by the member States of the Organization of African Unit on this day twenty four years ago, was a solemn undertaking to promote and safeguard freedom, justice, equality and human dignity. In embracing a comprehensive view of human rights, the Charter maps a truly progressive path with its recognition of the interrelatedness of human rights and the equal importance of civil, political rights, economic, social and cultural rights.

The formal establishment of institutions with specific human rights mandates, like the Peace and Security Council, the Pan-African Parliament and the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOCC), is further evidence of the growing recognition of the centrality of human rights to lasting peace and security, equitable development and poverty reduction.

As we commemorate this day and celebrate the accomplishments, it is important to recall the monumental challenges that still lie ahead. This reality ought to spur us to redouble our efforts to implement regional and international instruments – notably the African Charter on Human and Peoples´ rights, the NEPAD Memorandum of Understanding on good governance, and the African Peer Review Mechanism – and to accelerate the establishment of continental institutions, such as an adequately resourced human rights court that could provide effective relief for victims of human rights abuse. We must also recognize the tireless work of human rights defenders and protect them from harassment and open doors for citizen participation in regional forums. These would be important steps in the consolidation of progress towards the enjoyment of human rights.

My Office stands ready to intensify its partnership with the African Union and other regional institutions and mechanisms towards our mutual goal of realizing all human rights for all in Africa.