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Press releases Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights


21 May 2004

21 May 2004

The following statement was issued today by Bertrand Ramcharan, the acting United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights:

"The acting High Commissioner for Human Rights is deeply disturbed about the consequences of Israel’s recent military operation in the Gaza strip, in particular in Rafah, and its disproportionate use of force in densely populated areas. He is particularly concerned at reports of the use by the Israel Defence Forces last Wednesday of helicopters and tanks to fire into a crowd of civilians during a peaceful demonstration, resulting in numerous deaths.

The acting High Commissioner points to reports from the ground according to which dozens of Palestinian civilians have been killed and several hundred others injured since 10 May 2004. In addition, more than 200 civilian properties have been destroyed or damaged, leaving thousands homeless and destitute. The extensive destruction of property, a form of collective punishment, is in flagrant violation of international human rights and humanitarian law.

The acting High Commissioner calls on Israel to abide by its obligations as an Occupying Power, to respect international law and to stop immediately the disproportionate use of force in the Gaza Strip. It is of paramount importance to ensure that all civilians and their property are protected at all times. The acting High Commissioner emphasizes that even when there are security-related considerations, there is no such thing as a licence to kill."

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