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Press releases Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights


14 July 2003

14 July 2003

Acting United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Bertrand G. Ramcharan has welcomed the strengthening of
the main African rights charter with provisions on women’s rights.

Returning from the Summit of Heads of State of the African Union held in Maputo, Mozambique, last week, Mr. Ramcharan hailed the adoption Saturday of the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa.
"I congratulate African leaders on the successful finalization of the drafting process of the Protocol, which is set to join other key international instruments in protecting and promoting gender equality throughout the world", the Acting High Commissioner said. Mr. Ramcharan added that the adoption of the new instrument reflected the growing commitment of the international community to address the widespread discrimination and human rights violations suffered by women, as well as to recognize the key role that women played in the promotion of sustainable development, and the prevention and resolution of conflicts.
"The adoption by the African Union of a specific treaty on the rights of women reinforces the message that women’s rights require priority attention in the protection of universal and inalienable rights", he continued.
Mr. Ramcharan urged the early ratification of the Protocol so that it could enter into force as speedily as possible.
"The women of Africa have demonstrated their strength and resilience; they deserve and are entitled to full recognition as equal partners - both in private and family life and in their participation in economic, social and political activities", Mr. Ramcharan said.

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