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Press releases


17 November 2003

15 November 2003

The following statement was issued today by the acting United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Bertrand Ramcharan:

The acting High Commissioner for Human Rights strongly condemns the terrorist bombings in Istanbul, Turkey, today. He expresses his deepest condolences to the families of the victims.

The acting High Commissioner finds it particularly disturbing that the bombers targeted places of worship, the synagogues of Neve Shalom and Beth Israel. Religious places must be held sacred.

The acting High Commissioner reiterates that nothing can justify such wanton attacks against civilians. These acts are a complete denial of human rights, and first among them the right to life. Whatever their claims, those who carry out this type of attack -- whether they act as they have done recently in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; against civilians and places of worship in Iraq, and in too many other places to count -- are criminals that must be brought to justice in accordance with international human rights law.