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Press briefing notes Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Briefer: Rupert Colville, Spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Location: Geneva

18 March 2011

(1) Libya
We very much welcome yesterday's Security Council Resolution on Libya. As both the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Deputy High Commissioner have pointed out in recent weeks, there is an urgent need to protect civilians in Libya. The Security Council decision to adopt Resolution 1972 is an important manifestation of the international community's commitment to the principle known as the "responsibility to protect" civilians.

We are extremely worried about reprisals agains oppostion supporters by pro-government forces and security agents in Libya. No one knows what has been going on in the towns that were first of all held by the opposition and then recaptured by government forces. No one knows what is going on in prisons and state security premises across the country either. We are very concerned that the government could resort to collective punishment. We have no illusions about what this regime is capable of doing.

(2) Côte d’Ivoire
We utterly condemn yesterday's attack by rockets or other missiles on a civilian area in the Abobo suberb of the capital Abidjan. It is quite difficult to avoid the conclusion that this may be an international crime, possibly a crime against humanity.
We are very concerned that the situation in Côte d’Ivoire appears to have deteriorated even further over the past week.