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Press briefing notes Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Cote d’Ivoire

04 March 2011

Spokesperson: Rupert Colville

4 March 2011

Worrying developments, including more killings, have been reported in Cote d’Ivoire and it appears the situation is deteriorating rapidly, causing civilians to be increasingly endangered. The distinct rise in inter-communal and inter-ethnic violence is very worrying.

Yesterday (Thursday), Gbagbo security forces opened fire at a large peaceful demonstration of pro-Ouattara women in Abobo, a suburb of Abidjan, killing seven and wounding many others. Six of the women were reportedly killed at the scene while one died in hospital of her injuries. A lot of people were injured but it is difficult to determine how many at this point.

We are very concerned about cutting off of electricity and water supplies in the pro-Ouattara north of the country.

We have also received reports that a previously unknown group, calling themselves the Invisible Commando, are preventing civilians from leaving Abobo and other combat zones, and using them as human shields to prevent attacks by FDS elements loyal to Gbagbo. We are deeply concerned at reports of families living in fear in churches and public places without water and electricity and prevented from leaving.

It is understood that 200,000 people have fled Abobo, and there is increasing evidence that both sides are involved in human rights abuses, including rapes, abductions and killings. Families of high-profile individuals known to be politically active have been targeted, and there are reports that media houses seen as pro-Ouattara have been threatened, causing six newspapers to temporarily suspend activities. Meanwhile hate messages have continued to be broadcast against the UN, which have directly led to attacks against UNOCI.

The total number of deaths since mid-December is estimated at around 365. The High Commissioner urges all sides to respect the rights of civilians.


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