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Human Rights Council Resolution 21/23, “Human rights of older persons” requests OHCHR “to organize, in Geneva, an intersessional public consultation on the promotion and protection of the human rights of older persons, with the participation of States Members of the United Nations, relevant international organizations, United Nations agencies and stakeholders, in order to receive information and share good practices on the matter”.

In order to prepare the consultation, OHCHR would be grateful to receive views and information from UN agencies, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, academic institutions and other stakeholders in relation to the following:

1. Information on the main challenges related to promotion and protection of the human rights of older persons at the country level.

2. Information on constitutions or legislation explicitly forbidding discrimination on the basis of old age, and on the existence of specific bodies which protect against age discrimination or are mandated to protect and promote the rights of older persons.

3. Information on specific national legislation, national policies, strategies and plans of action adopted to ensure the equal enjoyment of rights by older persons, particularly in the areas of prevention and protection against violence and abuse, social protection, food and housing, employment, legal capacity, access to justice, health support, long-term and palliative care.

It would be appreciated if any information could be sent to Christian Courtis, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (e-mail:, cc: by Friday 15 March 2013. The information provided, which should not exceed 10 pages, will be made available on the OHCHR website.