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Death penalty

Submitted by Andrea on
Abolition of; capital punishment; commutation; death row; executions; most serious crimes; poor people and death row; Second Optional protocol; women and death row


Submitted by Andrea on
Physical and mental health, leprosy, maternal, child and reproductive health, persons with HIV/AIDS, prevention, treatment and control of diseases, COVID-19, Sustainable Development Goals 1-5, availability, accessibility, acceptability


Submitted by Andrea on
Migrants; internal displacement; statelessness; right to nationality; migrant workers; human rights of migrants; access to education and health; climate change; violations of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; tolerance; diversity; gender-based violence

Land and housing

Submitted by Andrea on
Displacement, financialization of housing, forced evictions, homelessness, informal settlements, land tenure, adequate standard of living, migration, post-conflict settings, secure tenure, land registry, urbanization, local governments, social protection
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