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Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Tharu-Dangaura


Tharu Kalyankari Sabha

Language Profile


According to the latest national Census, of their total population 1,737,470, as many as 1 529,875 Tharus speak their mother tongue both Rana Tharu and Dangaura Tharu languages. 


Besides Nepal, Tharu Dangaura language is spoken in India.


Tharu are largely populated indigenous peoples in Nepal, who have settled over 20 different districts alongside whole Terai and inner Terai, the southern plain lands of Nepal. According to the latest national Census 2011, the population of Tharu is 1,737,470. They have a distinct language, culture, rituals, culture, customs and lifestyles. They are rich in folklore, literature, language. Culturally and linguistically, Tharus are divided into different subgroups. They celebrate a number of rituals and festivals, of them, Maghi, a festival of new-year, take place mid-January. It is celebrated with much fanfare for three-days, during the festival, special dance, sacrifice animals and chicken. This festival is also celebrated as Mukti Diwas (the day of emancipation). Previously, this used to be the day when the Kamaiyas and Kamlaris (bonded-labor) used to get break from their daily chores to make new agreement with their master. Tharus have over 50 different clans and they have slightly different slangs and tones in speaking their mother tongue. They are animists and belief that there exist forest goddess—Bandevi and deity. They have been living alongside the banks and make living fishing, while Tharus living in the hilly region do farming and animal husbandry.