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Human Rights Council – Universal Periodic Review

For use of information media; not an official record

Date: Monday 3 May (morning)

Country under review: KYRGYZSTAN

Concerned country - national report

  • Represented by a 6-member delegation and headed by the Deputy Minister of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic, H.E. Mrs. Jyldyz Mambetalieva
  • National report presented by H.E. Mrs. Jyldyz Mambetalieva


  • Interim authorities to restore the legitimacy of the government by democratic means; Parliamentary elections to take place in October.
  • Referendum on the adoption of a new Constitution to take place on 27 June; draft published to enable consultation with the civil society.
  • Political situation throughout the country under control.
  • On-going reform of the judiciary to strengthen its independence.
  • Measures taken to ensure freedom of speech and of the media.
  • On-going reforms of penitentiary system in order to improve the living conditions of detainees.
  • Ratified the second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

Interactive discussion

Number of States taking part in the discussion

  • Member States: 25
  • Observer States: 26

Positive achievements

  • Increase in women’s participation in politics.
  • Law on State Guarantees for Equal Rights and Equal Opportunities.
  • Abolition of the death penalty.
  • National strategy to eradicate poverty.
  • Plan of action to decrease and prevent statelessness.
  • Recent ratification of the Optional Protocol on the Convention against Torture.

Issues and questions raised

  • Free and fair elections.
  • Independence of the judiciary.
  • Acts of torture and allegations of ill-treatment.
  • Domestic violence and forced marriages.
  • Trafficking of women and girls.
  • Freedom of religion.
  • Child labour.
  • Corruption
  • Harassment and intimidation of human rights defenders and journalists.
  • Right to peaceful assembly.


  • Ensure a rapid return to the rule of law and democracy through the conduct of fair and free elections and the adoption of the new Constitution.
  • Investigate allegations of torture and ill-treatment and prosecute all persons involved.
  • Strengthen legislation and increase budget allocated to the eradication of violence against women.
  • Combat torture against minors and corporal punishment of children.
  • Uphold rights of minorities.
  • Take steps to improve the freedom of assembly and freedom of expression.
  • Extend a standing invitation to the Special Procedures.
  • Ratify the Rome Statute, the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Convention for the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearance, andthe Convention on the Rights of Person with disabilities.

Response of the concerned country

  • Gender violence – National Plan of Action aims at strengthening legislation to ensure liability for acts of violence against women.
  • Discrimination and attacks against minorities – Measures taken to ensure equality before law and courts, without discrimination of any kind (race, sex, religious belief, etc.).
  • Rights of the child – Measures to strengthen the system of juvenile justice, including rehabilitation programmes. Cases of violence against children  investigated and duly prosecuted. Measures to ensure protection of children.
  • Freedom of expression and opinion – Guaranteed by law. Special section created within the office of the Ombudsman to ensure the protection of the rights of journalists. Criminal proceedings in cases involving intimidation of journalists.

Adoption of the report by the UPR working group scheduled on
Wednesday 5 May, 12:00 – 12:30

More information