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Human Rights Council – Universal Periodic Review

For use of information media; not an official record

Date: Monday 24 January 2011 (Afternoon)

Country under review: RWANDA

Documents:A/HRC/WG.6/10/RWA/1 and A/HRC/WG.6/10/RWA/1/Corr.1; A/HRC/WG.6/10/RWA/2; A/HRC/WG.6/10/RWA/3 and A/HRC/WG.6/10/RWA/3/Corr.1

Troika: Guatemala, Japan, Senegal

Concerned country - national report

  • Represented by a 6-members delegation and headed by H E Mr. Tharicisse Karugarama Minister of Justice , Attorney General


  • Ratification of various  international human rights treaties and  forthcoming ratification of other instruments Constitutional guarantees
  • Zero tolerance against corruption
  • Intensive reconstruction efforts since the end of the 1994 war which resulted in  death and destruction
  • Improvement in  the health sector
  • Age of free compulsory education moved from 9 to 12 years.
  • Good access to justice for all Rwandans
  • Revision of the penal code and reforms of the prison sector
  • Successful reintegration of the perpetrators of genocide in the country.
  • Successful presidential, parliamentary and local elections

Interactive discussion
Number of States taking part in the discussion

  • Member States: 23          inscribed on the list: 67
  • Observer States: 25

Positive achievements

  • Good Example of post conflict country
  • Effective poverty reduction policy with progress in this field
  • Ratification of  HR instruments, including  CEDAW
  • Abolition of the death penalty
  • Efforts to improve child and maternal health with notable improvements in health sector (treatment of AIDS and malaria)
  • Increased representation of women in parliament and strategies to  fight against violence against women

Issues and questions raised

  • Genocide law
  • Lack of democracy and lack of independence of the judiciary
  • Freedom of the press
  • Question of the Batwa and child soldiers
  • Discrimination against women and Violence against women and children
  • Length of pre-trial period
  • Abuses in registration of political parties (cf former presidential election)
  • Lack of freedom of association  and rules governing the registration of NGOs
  • Arbitrary arrests, in particular of students belonging to the Jehovah witnesses
  • Lack of independence of the High media Council


  • Pursue efforts in social, economic and political development and seek  assistance  in that regard
  • Tackle the issue of  overcrowded prison and continue prison reform
  • Ratify  human rights instruments
  • Eradicate  extreme poverty
  • Continue to address the issue of gender discrimination
  • Review existing restriction to  the freedom of expression, and amend or abolish any undue or excessive restrictions which may exist
  • Combat gender based violence particularly domestic and sexual violence
  • Ensure that  criminal law, in particular the genocide ideology law is applied in conformity with International human rights  norms and standards
  • Acknowledge the existence of Minorities
  • Continue the reform of the judiciary in order to ensure   its independence
  • Promote and protect  freedom  of association
  • Take concrete measures in addressing human trafficking
  • End solitary confinement sentences
  • Ensure that religious minorities are able to freely practice their beliefs
  • Provide free  access to education

Response of the concerned country

  • Rwanda genocide ideology is a real threat to  the country , thus the establishment of a national commission to review it
  • Media freedom: Media law currently under review while a number of new radios and newspapers are created, presence of international media in the country
  • No human trafficking
  • No solitary confinement
  • Proud of what have done Gacaca. Former perpetrators of violations and victims live together
  • Women’s rights are a priority for the country
  • Special rapporteurs are welcome to visit the country

Adoption of the report by the UPR working group scheduled on
Wednesday 26 January, 17:30 – 18:00

More information