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Open-ended intergovernmental working group on a draft United Nations declaration on the right to peace



At its 20th session, on 5 July 2012, the Human Rights Council adopted resolution 20/15 by which it decided to establish an open-ended intergovernmental working group to meet for 4 working days prior to the 22nd session of the Human Rights Council (25 February-22 March 2013) to progressively negotiate a draft United Nations declaration on the right to peace. Initially, the Working Group was requested to work on the basis of the draft submitted by the Advisory Committee without prejudging relevant past, present and future views and proposals. In June 2013, when considering the Working Group's report of its first session (contained in A/HRC/WG.13/1/2), the Council adopted resolution 23/16 by which it requested the Chairperson to prepare a new text on the basis of the discussions held during the first session of the working group and on the basis of the intersessional informal consultations.

The second session of the open-ended working group took place from 30 June to 4 July 2014 in room XVIII, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.

In September 2014, the Council adopted resolution 27/17 by which it decided to hold a third session of the working group in 2015, with the objective of finalizing the declaration. It also requested the Chairperson-Rapporteur to conduct informal consultations and to prepare a revised text.

The third session of the open-ended working group took place from 20 to 24 April 2015 in room XIX, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.

On 1 October 2015, the Council adopted resolution 30/12 entitled "Promotion of the right to peace" by which it decided that the working group should hold its fourth session for five working days with the objective of finalizing the declaration.

Pursuant to the adoption of resolution 32/28 entitled "Declaration on the Right to Peace" on 1 July 2016, the fourth session of the open-ended intergovernmental working group has been cancelled and no further sessions are foreseen to be held.

Background information and documents


In its resolution 8/9, the Human Rights Council requested the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to convene a workshop on the right of peoples to peace which took place on 15 - 16 December 2009 in Geneva. Several high level experts participated in the workshop. The report of the Office of the High Commissioner on the outcome of the expert workshop (A/HRC/14/38) was presented to the 14th session of the Human Rights Council.

The Human Rights Council, in its resolution 14/3, noted with satisfaction the outcome of the workshop on the right of peoples to peace, and further requested the Advisory Committee in consultation with Member States, civil society, academia and all relevant stakeholders, to prepare a draft declaration on the right of peoples to peace, and to report on progress to the Council at its 17th session.

At its 5th session the Advisory Committee established a drafting group on the draft declaration on the right of peoples to peace.

The drafting group prepared, upon request by the Committee (A/HRC/AC/5/3), a questionnaire to facilitate consultations with Member States, civil society, academia and all relevant stakeholders. The drafting group then submitted a draft progress report on the draft declaration on the right of peoples to peace to the 6th session of the Advisory Committee.

At its 6th session, the Advisory Committee adopted this progress report which was submitted to the Human Rights Council for consideration at its 17th session (A/HRC/17/39 and, A/HRC/17/39/Corr.1). In its resolution 17/16, the Human Rights Council considered this progress report and requested the Advisory Committee to present a draft declaration on the right of peoples to peace and to report to the Council at its 20th session. Additionally, the Council requested the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to re-transmit the questionnaire prepared by the Advisory Committee on the issue of the right of peoples to peace, in order to seek the views and comments of Member States, civil society, academia and all relevant stakeholders.

At its 8th session, the Advisory Committee requested the drafting group to finalize its work on the draft declaration on the right of peoples to peace, revised in light of comments received by Member States, civil society, academia and other relevant stakeholders and discussions held at the 7th session of the Advisory Committee, for submission to the 20th session of the Human Rights Council.

At its 20th session, the Human Rights Council considered the report of the Advisory Committee (A/HRC/20/31) and adopted resolution 20/15 by which it decided to establish an open-ended intergovernmental working group as stated in the mandate section.


Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly

  • 33/73. Declaration on the Preparation of Societies for Life in Peace
  • 39/11. Right of peoples to peace

Resolutions adopted by the Human Rights Council

  • 8/9- Promotion on the right of peoples to peace
  • 14/3- Promotion of the right of peoples to peace
  • 17/16- Promotion of the right of peoples to peace
  • 20/15 -Promotion of the right to peace
  • 23/16- Promotion of the right to peace
  • 27/17 - Promotion of the right to peace

Reports considered by the Human Rights Council

  • A/HRC/14/38 - Report of the Office of the High Commissioner on the outcome of the expert workshop on the right of peoples to peace
  • A/HRC/17/39 - Progress report of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee on the right of peoples to peace
  • A/HRC/17/39/Corr.1- Corrigendum
  • A/HRC/20/31 - Report of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee on the right of peoples to peace
