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33rd session of the Human Rights Council (13 to 30 September 2016)


Resolutions, decisions and President’s statements

The final adopted texts can be accessed in all six official languages of the United Nations in the first column below and also on the Official Document System (ODS). To search for adopted texts on ODS, enter the final number in the search field, preceded by A/HRC/RES for resolutions, A/HRC/DEC for decisions or A/HRC/PRST for President’s statements.
More information about the consideration of each draft proposal, including any oral revisions, amendments, statements of programme budget implications or detailed voting results (as applicable), can be found on the HRC33 Extranet (New users access).


Adopted text Title Item Draft Action taken
33/1Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery, including its causes and consequences
A/HRC/33/L.2Adopted without a vote, 38th meeting, 29 September 2016
33/2The safety of journalists
A/HRC/33/L.6Adopted without a vote, 38th meeting, 29 September 2016
33/3Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order
A/HRC/33/L.7Adopted by a recorded vote (30 to 12, with 5 abstentions), 38th meeting, 29 September 2016
33/4The use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination
A/HRC/33/L.8Adopted by a recorded vote (32 to 13, with 2 abstentions), 38th meeting, 29 September 2016
33/5The human rights of older persons
A/HRC/33/L.9Adopted without a vote, 38th meeting, 29 September 2016
33/6The role of prevention in the promotion and protection of human rights
A/HRC/33/L.12Adopted without a vote, 38th meeting, 29 September 2016
33/7Unaccompanied migrant children and adolescents and human rights
A/HRC/33/L.13Adopted without a vote, 38th meeting, 29 September 2016
33/8Local government and human rights
A/HRC/33/L.14/Rev.1Adopted without a vote, 39th meeting, 29 September 2016
33/9The right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health
A/HRC/33/L.15Adopted without a vote, 39th meeting, 29 September 2016
33/10The human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation
A/HRC/33/L.19Adopted by a recorded vote (42 to 1, with 4 abstentions), 39th meeting, 29 September 2016
33/11Preventable mortality and morbidity of children under 5 years of age as a human rights concern
A/HRC/33/L.20Adopted without a vote, 39th meeting, 29 September 2016
33/12Human rights and indigenous peoples: mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples
A/HRC/33/L.23Adopted without a vote, 39th meeting, 29 September 2016
33/13Human rights and indigenous peoples
A/HRC/33/L.24Adopted without a vote, 39th meeting, 29 September 2016
33/14The right to development
A/HRC/33/L.29Adopted as orally revised by a recorded vote (34 to 2, with 11 abstentions), 39th meeting, 29 September 2016
33/15National institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights
A/HRC/33/L.17/Rev.1Adopted without a vote, 39th meeting, 29 September 2016
33/16Technical assistance and capacity-building for Yemen in the field of human rights
A/HRC/33/L.5Adopted as orally revised without a vote, 39th meeting, 29 September 2016
33/17Assistance to Somalia in the field of human rights
A/HRC/33/L.11/Rev.1Adopted without a vote, 39th meeting, 29 September 2016
33/18Preventable maternal mortality and morbidity and human rights
A/HRC/33/L.3/Rev.1Adopted as orally revised and amended without a vote, 40th meeting, 30 September 2016
33/19Human rights and transitional justice
A/HRC/33/L.10Adopted as orally revised by a recorded vote (29 to 1, with 17 abstentions), 40th meeting, 30 September 2016
33/20Cultural rights and the protection of cultural heritage
A/HRC/33/L.21Adopted without a vote, 40th meeting, 30 September 2016
33/21Protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism
A/HRC/33/L.27/Rev.1Adopted as orally revised and amended by a recorded vote (38 to 0, with 9 abstentions), 41st meeting, 30 September 2016
33/22Equal participation in political and public affairs
A/HRC/33/L.28Adopted as orally revised without a vote, 41st meeting, 30 September 2016
33/23The human rights situation in the Syrian Arab Republic
A/HRC/33/L.30Adopted as orally revised by a recorded vote (26 to 7, with 14 abstentions), 41st meeting, 30 September 2016
33/24Situation of human rights in Burundi
A/HRC/33/L.31Adopted as orally revised by a recorded vote (19 to 7, with 21 abstentions), 41st meeting, 30 September 2016
33/25Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
A/HRC/33/L.25Adopted without a vote, 41st meeting, 30 September 2016
33/26Technical assistance and capacity-building to improve human rights in the Sudan
A/HRC/33/L.4Adopted as orally revised without a vote, 41st meeting, 30 September 2016
33/27Technical assistance and capacity-building in the field of human rights in the Central African Republic
A/HRC/33/L.16Adopted without a vote, 42nd meeting, 30 September 2016
33/28Enhancement of technical cooperation and capacity-building in the field of human rights
A/HRC/33/L.18Adopted without a vote, 42nd meeting, 30 September 2016
33/29Technical assistance and capacity-building for human rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
A/HRC/33/L.26Adopted without a vote, 42nd meeting, 30 September 2016
33/30Arbitrary detention
A/HRC/33/L.22Adopted by a recorded vote (46 to 0, with 1 abstention), 42nd meeting, 30 September 2016
N/AHuman rights situation in Yemen
A/HRC/33/L.32Withdrawn by the sponsor
N/ATechnical assistance and capacity-building to improve human rights in the Sudan
A/HRC/33/L.33Withdrawn by the sponsor


Adopted text Title Item Draft Action taken
33/101Outcome of the universal periodic review: Suriname
N/A Adopted without a vote, 19th meeting
21 September 2016
33/102Outcome of the universal periodic review: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
N/A Adopted without a vote, 19th meeting
21 September 2016
33/103Outcome of the universal periodic review: Samoa
N/A Adopted without a vote, 19th meeting
21 September 2016
33/104Outcome of the universal periodic review: Greece
N/A Adopted without a vote, 21st meeting
21 September 2016
33/105Outcome of the universal periodic review: Sudan
N/A Adopted without a vote, 21st meeting
21 September 2016
33/106Outcome of the universal periodic review: Hungary
N/A Adopted without a vote, 21st meeting
21 September 2016
33/107Outcome of the universal periodic review: Papua New Guinea
N/A Adopted without a vote, 22nd meeting
22 September 2016
33/108Outcome of the universal periodic review: Tajikistan
N/A Adopted without a vote, 22nd meeting
22 September 2016
33/109Outcome of the universal periodic review: United Republic of Tanzania
N/A Adopted without a vote, 22nd meeting
22 September 2016
33/110Outcome of the universal periodic review: Antigua and Barbuda
N/A Adopted without a vote, 24th meeting
22 September 2016
33/111Outcome of the universal periodic review: Swaziland
N/A Adopted without a vote, 24th meeting
22 September 2016
33/112Outcome of the universal periodic review: Trinidad and Tobago
N/A Adopted without a vote, 24th meeting
22 September 2016
33/113Outcome of the universal periodic review: Thailand
N/A Adopted without a vote, 25th meeting
23 September 2016
33/114Outcome of the universal periodic review: Ireland
N/A Adopted without a vote, 25th meeting
23 September 2016


Adopted text Title Item Draft Action taken
PRST 33/1Reports of the Advisory Committee
A/HRC/33/L.1Adopted without a vote, 38th meeting, 29 September 2016
