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Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on mental health and human rights (2017) (A/HRC/34/32)

This report, mandated by the Human Rights Council in resolution 32/18, identifies some of the major challenges facing users of mental health services, persons with mental health conditions and persons with psychosocial disabilities, such as:

  • stigma and discrimination
  • violations of economic, social and other rights
  • the denial of autonomy and legal capacity

The report concludes that, to support the full realisation of the human rights of people with mental health conditions, States need shifts in policy. Among key recommendations, States must:

  • create a legal environment that is conducive to supporting the human rights of people with mental health issues;
  • systematically include human rights in policy and legal frameworks;
  • recognise the individual’s autonomy, agency and dignity;
  • pass measures to improve the quality of mental health services, and stop harmful practices like involuntary treatment and institutionalisation; and
  • share technical expertise and good practices.

Read the full report (A/HRC/34/32), available in the 6 UN official languages.

Consultation: identifying strategies to promote human rights in mental health (A/HRC/39/36)

The Human Rights Council, in its resolution 36/13, recognised that persons with mental health conditions face widespread discrimination, stigma, prejudice, violence, abuse, social exclusion and segregation. They also endure unlawful or arbitrary institutionalisation, overmedicalisation and treatment practices that fail to respect their autonomy, will and preferences.

In order to address these violations, the Council held a 2018 consultation on identifying strategies to promote human rights in mental health.

Read more about the consultation, including bios and presentations of the panelists.

OHCHR and the right to health