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Young people launch a conversation series on human rights education with their peers

Cover photo of the event with Irfaan Mangera

Amnesty International, Soka Gakkai International and UN Human Rights have joined forces to develop a multilingual, multimedia educational tool to inspire young people to take action for human rights.

The tool features a series of documentaries acknowledging the work of young human rights educators from around the world. A Youth Advisory Board, consisting of 14 staff members or volunteers from the three partner organizations has participated in the development process.

The work of the young educators centres around abroad spectrum of human rights issues, including racism and racial discrimination; the human rights of LGBTI persons; women’s human rights; sexual exploitation of children; the rights of children and youth in situations of vulnerability; the human rights of persons with disabilities; and gGender equality and gender-based violence.

The partner organizations and the Youth Advisory Board to the project are launching a series of conversations with these young human rights educators that will culminate with the launch of the multimedia educational tool. The first event is a conversation on how to fight racism with human right education, featuring Irfaan Mangera, a youth activist working at the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation in South Africa.

Join us on Zoom on 10 December 2021, Human Rights Day, from 2p.m.- 3.15 p.m. CET.

You can now register to participate in the event.

Cover photo of the event with Irfaan Mangera