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Podcast: The Power of Storytelling

Cover photo of photographers Ali Jehad and  Robin Hammond

In this episode of the UN Human Rights podcast, #StandUp4Migrants, we’re examining the power of storytelling with Ali Jehad, a freelance photographer from Sweden and former refugee from Iraq, and Robin Hammond, a photographer and founder of Witness Change, a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing human rights through visual storytelling.

Hammond is also the founder of the 1000 Dreams project, which strives to change existing refugee narratives by sharing the stories of 1000 refugees throughout Europe where the stories are told by the refugees themselves. Jehad is a contributing storyteller for 1000 Dreams.

“It’s not a great situation when you have a group of people who pretty much are never authors of their own stories,” said Hammond. “I think it's the case with refugees.”

Jehad and Hammond speak about how 1000 Dreams was created as a platform to help amplify the voices of refugees to change how they are negatively perceived in the media and in their communities.

Cover photo of photographers Ali Jehad and  Robin Hammond