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International Women’s Day - Promoting gender equality through human rights education

Cover photo of International Women’s Day 2022

On 9 March 2022, on the occasion of International Women’s Day, Dejana Stosic, an educator from Serbia, will share her inspiring experience empowering young people to fight against gender-based violence and promote gender equality.

Stosic is one of the seven young educators in this series whose work centres around a broad spectrum of human rights issues, including racism and racial discrimination; the human rights of LGBTI persons; women’s human rights; sexual exploitation of children; the rights of children and youth in situations of vulnerability; the human rights of persons with disabilities; and gender equality and gender-based violence.

The stories of these seven young educators will feature in a multimedia, multilingual educational tool through documentaries acknowledging the contribution of young people in promoting human rights. A Youth Advisory Board, consisting of 14 staff members or volunteers from the three partner organizations, has participated in the educational tool’s development process.

Join us on Zoom on 9 March 2022, from 4 p.m.- 5.15 p.m. CET.

Register now to participate in the event.

Cover photo of International Women’s Day 2022