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First-ever global campaign on LGBTIQ+ youth homelessness

10 December 2020

Colourful illustration featuring human diversity

The UN Human Rights Free and Equal campaign has teamed up with musician and composer Cyndi Lauper and her True Colors United to launch a campaign to bring attention to homeless LGBTIQ+ young people.

The campaign, which is called Safe Home, will help to amplify voices to promote awareness of and help for homeless young people from this community. LGBTIQ+ youth are much more likely to experience homelessness than their peers.

“Having a safe and stable home is a human right,” said Veronica Birga, Chief of the Women’s Rights and Gender Section of the UN Human Rights Office. “Focus should not be on how young people experiencing homelessness can be ‘saved’, but rather on how we can create communities and societies where everyone is welcome and can live in dignity – LGBTIQ+ young people included.”

Learn more about the campaign via a Q&A with Birga and Gregory Lewis, Executive Director and CEO of True Colors United and the UN Free & Equal campaign.