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Eighth session of the Expert Mechanism on the Right to Development


30 October 2023 - 01 November 2023


Room XX, Palais des Nations



The eighth session of the Expert Mechanism on the Right to Development will take place in Palais des Nations, in Geneva, from Monday, 30th October to Wednesday, 1st November 2023, 10am to 1pm and 3pm to 6pm Central European Time (CET).

** We start each day at 10am **

At this session, the Expert Mechanism will consider the following:

  1. Opening of the session:
    Remarks by the Human Rights Council Vice President, H.E. Ms. Maira M. Macdonal Alvarez, and the UN Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms. Nada Al-Nashif
  2. Adoption of the agenda and programme of work.
  3. General debate.
  4. Coordination meetings with other United Nations mechanisms on the right to development.
  5. Implementation of the mandate and programme of work:
    1. Focused thematic discussions and interactive dialogue:
      • Responsibilities and Climate Justice (Concept Note / Flyer), a discussion led by Ms. Isabelle Durant
        • H.E. Mr. Matthew Anthony Wilson, Permanent Representative of Barbados
        • Mr. Philippe Hensmans, Amnesty International Belgium
        • Ms. Alexandra Gavilano, Climate Justice Activist, Peru and Switzerland
        • Ms. Vanessa Nakate, Climate Activist (video-message)
      • Access to Technology and the Right to Development (Concept Note / Flyer), a discussion led by Mr. Bonny Ibhawoh
        • Ms. Farida Shaheed, Special Rapporteur Right to Education 
        • Ms. Minerva Rivas Velarde, University of Geneva
        • Ms. Elizabeth Nyamwange, Youth representative
      • Women’s participation in Development. Promoting gender equality: good practices, opportunities, and challenges (Concept Note / Flyer), a discussion led by Ms. Liliana Valiña
        • H.E. Mr. Christian Guillermet Fernández, Permanent Representative of Costa Rica
        • Dr. Brenda Akia, CEDAW Expert
        • Ms. Andra Nicolescu, GQUAL campaign
        • Ms. Carolyn Handschin-Moser, NGO Committee on the Status of Women
      • The UN system and opportunities for mainstreaming and promoting the RTD (Concept Note / Flyer), a discussion led by Mr. Mihir Kanade
        • Ms. Agi Veres, Director, UNDP Geneva
        • Ms. Adriana Quiñones, Director UN-Women Geneva
        • Mr. Richard Kozul-Wright, Director UNCTAD
        • Mr. Ayuush Bat-Erdene, TESPRDD OHCHR
    2. EMRTD studies: a forum to collect suggestions on current and future studies (Concept Note)
  6. Conclusion of the session.

Participation is possible in the public meetings where simultaneous interpretation in the six official languages will be made available.

States, United Nations mechanisms, bodies and specialized agencies, funds and programmes, intergovernmental organizations, regional organizations and mechanisms in the field of human rights, national human rights institutions and other relevant national bodies, academics and experts on development issues, and non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council are allowed to ask for the floor and intervene, in that order.

All participants are required to register using this registration formDelegations are kindly reminded to submit copies of their statements to prior to delivery.

List of speakers:
To register as a speaker for the General Debate or any thematic discussions, please send an email to and You can also register in person with the secretariat close to the podium on the right.   

Time limits:
General Debate: 10 minutes for group statements, 7 minutes for national statements, and 7 minutes for statements by IGOs, the UN, and other stakeholders.
Interactive thematic discussions: 3 minutes for all participants from the floor. Participants may take the floor more than once if time allows.



