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21st session of the Working Group on the Issue of Human Rights and Transnational Corporations and other Business Enterprises


01 - 05 October 2018

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Palais des Nations Room XXI - Geneva


  • Businesses/business associations: Tuesday 2 October (17:00-18:00) – Focus on corporate human rights due diligence in practice (theme of 2018 Forum on Business and Human Rights (26 - 28 November 2018) and Working Group’s 2018 report to the General Assembly).
  • Member States: Wednesday 3 October (15:00-16:00) – Focus on the 2018 Forum on Business and Human Rights with the theme of “Business respect for human rights – building on what works”. The Working Group encouraged States to share information about regulatory and policy developments to provide incentives and/or requirements for business enterprises to carry out human rights due diligence. The Working Group also provided an update on its ongoing projects, including on the gender dimensions of the Guiding Principles, which was the theme of its report to the Human Rights Council, presented in June 2019.
  • Civil society organisations: Wednesday 3 October (17:00-18:00) – Focus on the 2018 Forum on Business and Human Rights and update on Working Group’s ongoing projects, including on the gender dimensions of the Guiding Principles.