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20th session of the Working Group on the Issue of Human Rights and Transnational Corporations and other Business Enterprises


14 - 18 May 2018

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Palais des Nations XVI - Geneva


  • Businesses/business associations: Tuesday 15 May (17:00-18:00) – Focus on corporate human rights due diligence in practice (theme of Working Group’s 2018 report to the General Assembly).
    Member States: Wednesday 16 May (15:00-16:00) – Focus on the development and implementation of public policies to implement the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), including National Actions Plans (NAPs) and the incorporation of a gender dimension into the business and human rights agenda (as part of the WG’s project “Gender lens to the UNGPs”)
  • Civil society organisations: Wednesday 16 May (17:00-18:00) – Focus on the development and implementation of NAPs aiming at implementing the UNGPs, including challenges and best practices with regard to multi-stakeholder engagement in the process and the incorporation of inputs from civil society into the NAP. 
  • Open multi-stakeholder consultation: Thursday 17 May (15:00-18:00) – focus on corporate human rights due diligence in practice. Concept note available here.