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34th meeting of the Chairpersons of Human Rights Treaty Bodies


30 May 2022 - 03 June 2022


New York

The Chairs of the human rights treaty bodies held their 34th annual meeting from 30 May through 3 June 2022 in New York, where the Chairs had discussions on the follow-up to the review of the treaty body system in accordance with General Assembly Resolution 68/268, particularly the recommendations contained in the co-facilitators’ “Report on the process of the consideration of the state of the United Nations human rights treaty body system” (A/75/601).

The Chairs at the 34th meeting agreed to establish a predictable schedule for reviewing states reports in compliance with human rights treaties obligations, with an eight-year review cycle for full reviews, coupled with follow-up reviews in between, for the eight Committees that have periodic reviews. Similarly, the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture, which has a visiting mandate, will visit States parties, on average, every eight years, with a cyclic dialogue in between visits. The Committee on Enforced Disappearances, which does not have periodic reports, will request additional information from States parties every two, four or eight years, depending on the level of implementation of the Convention. Please find, at the following link, the final conclusions.

Session page: Treaty body Sessions (On the Treaty Bodies database)


For further details, please contact the Secretariat of the meeting:

Contact information for the Chair of the 34th meeting of Chairs, Mr. Edgar Corzo Sosa (